8 min read
Supply chain disruptions are not new, but the current disruptions have not only been persistent but have also impacted several industries – and consumers – at the same time. The result has ranged from empty shelves at retail stores to prolonged lead times for consumer products and automobiles. We sat down with three Georgia Tech Scheller College…
2 min read
The Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology at Georgia Tech has announced the winners for the 2021 Fall Facility Seed Grants. The primary purpose of this program is to give first- or second-year graduate students in diverse disciplines working on original and un-funded research in micro- and nano-scale projects the opportunity to access the…
5 min read
With holiday shopping deadlines looming, consumers cannot escape the impact of the global microelectronic chip shortage. From daily news reports about manufacturers unable to complete orders due to the lack of chips, to “out of stock” messages across websites on popular electronics items, one of the impacts of COVID was to lay bare the massive…
5 min read
An interdisciplinary team of researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology has received a $2 million federal grant to create tools that will provide the clearest three-dimensional images yet of the chemical and biomolecular interactions between plants and the soil in which they grow. At just a few inches underground, the rhizosphere — the…
5 min read
A team of researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology has developed an analytical tool designed to improve the biomanufacturing process of advanced cell-based therapies. Their Dynamic Sampling Platform provides a real time analysis of cells as they are modified and grown for treatment in a bioreactor, overcoming what currently is a time-…
1 min read
Paul Steffes, a professor emeritus in the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and his colleagues with the NASA Juno Mission published a paper that is the cover feature of the November 19, 2021 issue of Science. This paper is entitled “Microwave observations reveal the deep extent and structure of Jupiter’s…
6 min read
When Garrett Brown first enrolled at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), he knew he had a passion for cybersecurity, but was unsure where to gain additional hands-on experience in the field outside of class. Fast forwarding to spring 2021, Brown found the Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program – an education program supported…
5 min read
Researchers have made significant advances toward the goal of a new microchip able to grow DNA strands that could provide high-density 3D archival data storage at ultra-low cost – and be able to hold that information for hundreds of years. To enable the technology, researchers have also developed a correction system able to compensate for…
3 min read
The Georgia Institute of Technology has named David Bridges vice president of the Enterprise Innovation Institute, effective Dec. 1. The Enterprise Innovation Institute is the nation’s largest and most comprehensive university-based economic development organization. Its 14 programs — the oldest launched in 1959 — offer a mix of technology…