5 min read
Threat reaction training of aircrews is a critical factor in protecting aircraft and crews from ground-based missiles and other weapons. To help provide this training, GTRI researchers are working with the 189th Airlift Wing (AW) of the Arkansas National Guard to develop a high-fidelity immersive multi-player simulation of the battle…
5 min read
Replacing the potent greenhouse gas SF6 in high-voltage circuit breakers with a clean alternative is critical as the U.S. looks to upgrade its aging electrical infrastructure. Although well-known greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane contribute the most emissions, it is a lesser-known greenhouse gas,…
1 min read
To help support the growth of startups and individuals working to advance automation and robotics, Amazon Robotics today announced it is providing a substantial investment over three years to the Georgia Institute of Technology’s Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC). ATDC is Georgia’s technology startup…
2 min read
The Institute for Data Engineering and Science, or IDEaS, is one of Georgia Tech’s 10 interdisciplinary research institutes. IDEaS provides the coordination and expertise necessary to link researchers across campus by strengthening Georgia Tech's position in big data. This installment of the Faces of Research Q&A…
3 min read
Using artificial intelligence (AI) for warfare has been the promise of science fiction and politicians for years, but new research from the Georgia Institute of Technology argues only so much can be automated and shows the value of human judgment. “All of the hard problems in AI really are judgment and data problems, and the interesting thing…
2 min read
Keith McGreggor, Georgia Tech professor of the practice in the School of Interactive Computing, and director of VentureLab, has been named a Fulbright Specialist, one of only nine from Georgia Tech since the program began in 2001. The Specialist program, part of the larger Fulbright exchange offering that includes Fulbright…
3 min read
The Georgia Institute of Technology has selected Thomas R. Kurfess as the new executive director of the Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute (GTMI). Kurfess is the HUSCO/Ramirez Distinguished Chair in Fluid Power and Motion Control and professor of mechanical engineering at Georgia Tech. He received his S.B., S.M., and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical…
4 min read
Researchers William Sharp and Nicoleta Serban want kids to eat what’s good for them, and they want the healthcare industry to recognize the benefits – both physical and fiscal – of healthy eating habits for kids. Sounds simple. But it isn’t. About 5% of children struggle with significant feeding disorders. Many of them are sustained by feeding…
2 min read
On a crowded, vibrant planet with limited resources, the challenges facing society are increasingly complex. Whether it’s climate change, health disparities, or food security, the effective solutions will be multi-dimensional. Innovation this big requires teams of experts. Recognizing that, Georgia Tech’s Office of the Executive Vice President…
8 min read
By the end of this decade, offshore wind turbine generators (WTG) could provide enough energy to power 10 million homes in the United States. But producing all that new energy carries a surprising downside for large cargo ships, fishing boats, and other vessels that use radar to help navigate congested coastal waters. A recent study led by a…