2 min read
The School of City & Regional Planning in the College of Design at Georgia Tech is an internationally recognized leader in education and research. Its students, faculty, and researchers work together to create new knowledge and tools for making cities more sustainable, resilient, and just. Students come to our…
4 min read
Before patients can begin a regimen of some critical treatments – like a life-saving round of chemotherapy – they must undergo a hematological analysis. This prerequisite blood test involves a complex roadmap of expensive equipment, not to mention the trained personnel to calibrate, maintain, and use it, plus multiple reagents, and finally…
3 min read
There are young children today who are celebrating birthdays and holidays with their families because of the work going on in the lab of Georgia Tech researcher Scott Hollister. His Tissue Engineering and Mechanics Lab (in collaboration in with the Global Center for Medical Innovation) is helping to lead a medical device revolution with…
3 min read
This October, Georgia Tech celebrates Campus Sustainability Month by showcasing the new Sustainability Next Plan. Following the completion of Georgia Tech’s strategic plan, the Institute’s executive leadership team formed the Sustainability Next Task Force and charged it with proposing an implementation roadmap for sustainability at Georgia Tech…
2 min read
Heme, the iron-holding molecule that gives blood its red color, is essential for life. Yet, ironically, it can be quite toxic if not properly handled. In fact, numerous diseases – from various cancers to cardiovascular diseases – are associated with defects in heme homeostasis. The way heme is biosynthesized and degraded has been known for…
5 min read
The voices of citizens from marginalized and underserved populations, such as older adults and people with disabilities, are vital to the development of more inclusive cities. Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology designed a solution that could help the planning process. In a paper published in the Journal of E-Planning Research, the…
5 min read
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is coming to Georgia Tech October 25 and 26 to connect with academic and industry innovators with a goal of growing the agency’s community of talent and partnerships. The meeting is part of a series of six events called DARPA Forward being held in key U.S. research and development hubs. The…
5 min read
Struggling with keeping your home clean and organized? You may soon have an extra set of hands to help around the house. Imagine a home robot that can keep a house tidy without being given any commands from its owner. Well, the next step in home robotics is here — at least virtually. A group of doctoral and master’s students from Georgia Tech's…
7 min read
As music distribution technology shifted from analog vinyl records to digital compact discs (CDs) and then to streaming files, the sound quality took a substantial hit – along with the monetary value of the musical consumer product. Now, as the vinyl format is enjoying a comeback, materials scientists at the Georgia Tech Research Institute (…
3 min read
Amid the growing risk of cyber threats, there is a crucial need to provide the next generation of leaders with the skills to address these challenges. The Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) has played a key role in this effort by bringing CyberStart America – a free online cybersecurity competition that helps high school students discover…