Thomas Ploetz

Thomas Ploetz

Thomas Ploetz

Associate Professor

Thomas Ploetz is a computer scientist with expertise and almost 15 years of experience in Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning research (Ph.D. from Bielefeld University, Germany). His research agenda focuses on applied machine learning that is developing systems and innovative sensor data analysis methods for real world applications. Primary application domain for his work is computational behavior analysis, in which he develops methods for automated and objective behavior assessments in naturalistic environments. Main driving functions for his work are "in the wild" deployments and the development of systems and methods that have a real impact on people’s lives.

In 2017, Dr. Ploetz joined the School of Interactive Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he works as an associate professor. Prior to this, he was an academic at the School of Computing Science at Newcastle University in Newcastle in Tyne, U.K., where he was a reader (associate professor) for Computational Behavior Analysis affiliated with Open Lab, Newcastle's interdisciplinary center for research in digital technologies.

Visit the Computational Behavior Analysis Lab:


  • Computational Behavior Analysis Lab
  • Research Focus Areas:
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Healthcare
  • Machine Learning
  • Platforms and Services for Socio-Technical Frontier
  • Additional Research:

    Computational Behavior Analysis; Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing; Applied Machine Learning; Time Series Analysis

    IRI Connections:

    Keith Edwards

    Keith Edwards

    Keith Edwards




    Research Focus Areas:
  • Platforms and Services for Socio-Technical Frontier
  • Shaping the Human-Technology Frontier
  • Smart Cities and Inclusive Innovation
  • Additional Research:

    Technological non-profit and NGO support; Social Impacts of Computing Technology; Core Computing Infrastructure

    IRI Connections:

    Amy Bruckman

    Amy Bruckman

    Amy Bruckman


    Amy Bruckman is Regents’ Professor and Senior Associate Chair in the School of Interactive Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Her research focuses on social computing with interests in online collaboration, understanding across differences, and content moderation. Bruckman received her Ph.D. from the MIT Media Lab in 1997, and a B.A. in physics from Harvard University in 1987. She is a Fellow of The ACM and a member of the SIGCHI Academy. She is the author of the book “Should You Believe Wikipedia? Online Communities and the Construction of Knowledge” (2022).


    Research Focus Areas:
  • Platforms and Services for Socio-Technical Frontier
  • Shaping the Human-Technology Frontier
  • Additional Research:
    Online Communities; Educational Technology; Social Computing

    IRI Connections:

    Mark Braunstein

    Mark Braunstein

    Mark Braunstein

    Professor of the Practice Emeritus

    Dr. Braunstein developed Georgia Tech’s first health informatics courses — a graduate seminar offered on campus, an OMSCS elective and an undergraduate VIP project course. In all three courses, students work under the mentorship of domain experts to develop Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) based apps for providers, patients, public health and other FHIR use cases. He also developed the first two public health informatics Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and a three-course health informatics professional certificate on edX. 

    In 2018 and 2019, he developed a similar course at the University of Queensland (UQ) as a Visiting Scientist at the Australian E-Health Research Centre (AEHRC), the health informatics laboratory within CSIRO, the Australian national research organization. He returned to Australia as a Visiting Scientist in 2022 and has also been working with AEHRC and UQ on an innovative, informatics-based approach to Case Based Learning in medical education. 

    He is a frequent speaker at academic and industry meetings. The second edition of his textbook, Health Informatics on FHIR: How HL7’s API is Transforming Healthcare, was published by Springer in 2022 and is the first book devoted to the current and future impact of FHIR on healthcare in the US and worldwide.


    Research Focus Areas:
  • Lifelong Health and Well-Being
  • Additional Research:
    Health Informatics; Electronic Management of Patient Records; Health Information Exchange

    IRI Connections:

    Michael Best

    Michael Best

    Michael Best

    Executive Director, Institute for People and Technology
    Professor, Sam Nunn School of International Affairs and the School of Interactive Computing

    Michael L. Best is Executive Director of the Institute for People and Technology (IPaT) and Professor with the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs and the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology where he directs the Technologies and International Development Lab. He holds a Ph.D. from MIT and has served as director of Media Lab Asia in India and head of the eDevelopment group at the MIT Media Lab.

    Research Fields:
    * Information and Communications Technologies for Development
    * International Diffusion and Innovation in IT

    Geographic Focuses:
    * Africa (Sub-Saharan)
    * Asia (East)
    * Asia (South)
    * Latin America and Caribbean

    * Inequality and Social Justice
    * International Development
    * Digital and Mixed Media
    * Digital Communication
    * Human/Machine Interaction
    * Internet Studies



  • Lab
  • Ivan Allen College Faculty Profile
  • Research Focus Areas:
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Shaping the Human-Technology Frontier
  • Smart Cities and Inclusive Innovation
  • Additional Research:

    ICTD; Computing and Society; Computing and International Affairs

    IRI Connections:

    Thad Starner

    Thad Starner

    Thad Starner

    Professor; School of Interactive Computing

    Thad Starner is a Professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology's School of Interactive Computing. Thad was perhaps the first to integrate a wearable computer into his everyday life as an intelligent personal assistant. Starner's work as a Ph.D. student would help found the field of Wearable Computing. His group's prototypes and patents on mobile MP3 players, mobile instant messaging and e-mail, gesture-based interfaces, and mobile context-based search foreshadowed now commonplace devices and services. Thad has authored over 100 scientific publications with over 100 co-authors on mobile Human Computer Interaction (HCI), pattern discovery, human power generation for mobile devices, and gesture recognition, and he is a founder and current co-chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Wearable Information Systems. His work is discussed in public forums such as CNN, NPR, the BBC, CBS's 60 Minutes, The New York Times, Nikkei Science, The London Independent, The Bangkok Post, and The Wall Street Journal.

    Interactive Computing Profile Page

    Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
  • Human Augmentation
  • Shaping the Human-Technology Frontier
  • Additional Research:

    Wearable Computing; Artificial Intelligence; Augmented Reality; Human Computer Interaction; Ubiquitous Computing

    IRI Connections:

    Mark Riedl

    Mark Riedl

    Mark Riedl

    Associate Professor & Taetle Chair; School of Interactive Computing
    Director; Entertainment Intelligence Lab

    Mark Riedl is an Associate Professor in the Georgia Tech School of Interactive Computing and director of the Entertainment Intelligence Lab. Mark's research focuses on the intersection of artificial intelligence, virtual worlds, and storytelling. The principle research question Mark addresses through his research is: how can intelligent computational systems reason about and autonomously create engaging experiences for users of virtual worlds and computer games. Mark's primary research contributions are in the area of artificial intelligence approaches to automated story generation and interactive storytelling for entertainment, education, and training. Narrative is a cognitive tool used by humans for communication and sense-making. The goal of my narrative intelligence research is to discover new computational algorithms and models that can facilitate the development of intelligent computer systems that can reason about narrative in order to be better communicators, entertainers, and educators. Additionally, Mark has explored the following research topics: virtual cinematography in 3D virtual worlds; player modeling; procedural generation of computer game content; computational creativity; human creativity support; intelligent virtual characters; mixed-initiative problem solving; and discourse generation. Mark earned a Ph.D. degree in 2004 from North Carolina State University. From 2004-2007, Mark was a Research Scientist at the University of Southern California Institute for Creative Technologies where he researched and developed interactive, narrative-based training systems. Mark joined the Georgia Tech College of Computing in 2007 where he continues to study artificial intelligence approaches to story generation, interactive narratives, and adaptive computer games. His research is supported by the NSF, DARPA, the U.S. Army, Google, and Disney. Mark was the recipient of a DARPA Young Faculty Award and an NSF CAREER Award.


    Office Location:
    CODA S1123

    Departmental Bio

  • Entertainment Intelligence Lab
  • Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
  • Collaborative Robotics
  • Shaping the Human-Technology Frontier
  • Additional Research:

    Artificial intelligence; Machine Learning; Storytelling; Game AI; Computer Games; Computational Creativity

    IRI Connections:

    Devi Parikh

    Devi Parikh

    Devi Parikh

    Associate Professor; School of Interactive Computing
    Research Scientist; Facebook AI Research (FAIR)

    Devi Parikh is an Assistant Professor in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech, and a Research Scientist at Facebook AI Research (FAIR). From 2013 to 2016, she was an Assistant Professor in the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech. From 2009 to 2012, she was a Research Assistant Professor at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC), an academic computer science institute affiliated with University of Chicago. She has held visiting positions at Cornell University, University of Texas at Austin, Microsoft Research, MIT, Carnegie Mellon University, and Facebook AI Research. She received her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at Carnegie Mellon University in 2007 and 2009 respectively. She received her B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Rowan University in 2005. Her research interests include computer vision and AI in general and visual recognition problems in particular. Her recent work involves exploring problems at the intersection of vision and language, and leveraging human-machine collaboration for building smarter machines. She has also worked on other topics such as ensemble of classifiers, data fusion, inference in probabilistic models, 3D reassembly, barcode segmentation, computational photography, interactive computer vision, contextual reasoning, hierarchical representations of images, and human-debugging.

    Office Location:
    Coda S1165B

    Visual Intelligence Lab

  • College of Computing Profile
  • Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
  • Collaborative Robotics
  • Shaping the Human-Technology Frontier
  • Additional Research:

    Artificial Intelligence; Computer Vision; Natural Language Processing

    IRI Connections: