Ajay Upadhyaya Ajay Upadhyaya Associate Director, Research Admin ajay.upadhyaya@gatech.edu University, College, and School/Department Georgia Institute of Technology IRI Connections: IRI And Role Artificial Intelligence > Faculty
Jaci Bjorne Jaci Bjorne Communications Officer jaci@gatech.edu University, College, and School/Department Georgia Institute of Technology IRI Connections: IRI And Role Artificial Intelligence > Faculty Artificial Intelligence > Media Relations
Stephen Rosner Stephen Rosner Assistant Director of Business Operations srosner6@gatech.edu University, College, and School/Department Georgia Institute of Technology IRI Connections: IRI And Role Artificial Intelligence > Faculty Artificial Intelligence > Corporate Relations
Quanita Wilkerson Quanita Wilkerson Executive Assistant, Tech AI qwilkerson3@gatech.edu University, College, and School/Department Georgia Institute of Technology IRI Connections: IRI And Role Artificial Intelligence > Faculty