BBISS Initiative Leads
The Initiative Leads program cultivates topics for future large-scale collaborative sustainability research, research translation, and/or high-impact outreach.
Associate Professor, Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering
BBISS Co-lead: Clean Energy Resources
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
BBISS Co-lead: SEEDS (Southeast Exchange of Development Studies)
Co-Director, Center for Biologically Inspired Design
BBISS Lead: Biologically Inspired Design
Interim Associate Director for Community-Engaged Research
BBISS Lead: Computational Sustainability
Associate Director for Research, IDEaS
BBISS Co-lead: Microclimate Monitoring and Prediction
PhD Coordinator, Strategy & Innovation
BBISS Lead: Sustainability at the Creative Destruction Lab
Managing Director, Institute for Leadership and Entrepreneurship
BBISS Co-lead: Collaborative Social Impact
Associate Co-Director for Interdisciplinary Research
SEI Lead; BBISS Co-lead: Sustainable Resources