Jennifer Hasler

Jennifer Hasler

Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Jennifer Hasler received her B.S.E. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Arizona State University in August 1991. She received her Ph.D. in computation and neural systems from California Institute of Technology in February 1997. Hasler is a professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Atlanta is the coldest climate in which Hasler has lived. Hasler founded the Integrated Computational Electronics (ICE) laboratory at Georgia Tech, a laboratory affiliated with the Laboratories for Neural Engineering. Hasler is a member of Tau Beta P, Eta Kappa Nu, and the IEEE.


Office Location:
TSRB 405

ECE Profile Page

  • Integrated Computational Electronics Laboratory

  • Georgia Institute of Technology

    College of Engineering
    School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Research Focus Areas:
  • Computer Engineering
  • Electronics
  • Medical Device Design, Development and Delivery
  • Micro and Nano Device Engineering
  • Miniaturization & Integration
  • Semiconductors
  • Additional Research:
    • Analog-Digital Signal Processing / Mixed Signal integrated circuits (Systems on a chip)
    • Scaling of deep submicron devices
    • Floating-gate devices, circuits, and systems
    • The use of floating-gate MOS transistors to build "smart" interfaces for MEMS sensors
    • Low power electronics
    • Analog VLSI models of on on-chip learning and Sensory processing in Neurobiology

    IRI Connection: