
Using advanced metagenomics techniques, researchers have found that conventional culture-based lab tests may misdiagnose as many as half of the…

Supercomputers are crunching numbers to facilitate data analysis in social computing, genomics in healthcare, three-dimensional modeling in material…

The Georgia Institute of Technology, Sandia National Laboratories, and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory are jointly launching a new research…

Peter S. Dodds will visit Georgia Tech for two weeks on November 4-15 as an IDEaS Distinguished Visitor. His time on campus is jointly sponsored by…

Thiazide diuretics demonstrate better effectiveness and cause fewer side effects than ACE inhibitors as first-line antihypertensive drugs, according…

The Institute for Data Engineering and Science (IDEaS) plans to make multiple awards to teams engaged in the development of proposals to the NSF AI…

Researchers are beginning a three-year cross-institute project that aims to lower the barrier to entry for software engineers developing new high-…

By Michael Pearson John Britti, a fifth-year student in computational media, used to have what he calls a “woefully average” approach to data. “…

In quantum computing, as in team building, a little diversity can help get the job done better, computer scientists have discovered. Unlike…

“Good morning. Bill. Please. Step onto the scale. Touch the metal pads.” The device records an electrocardiogram from Bill’s fingers and - more…
