Olivier Pierron
Professor, Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering
Oliver Pierron joined Georgia Tech in summer 2007. Prior, he was a senior engineer at the R&D center of Qualcomm MEMS Technologies, Inc. in San Jose, California. Pierron's research group investigates the mechanical properties of small-scale materials with emphasis on the degradation properties (fracture, fatigue, creep). The scientific contribution of this research is to develop a fundamental understanding of the degradation mechanisms at the nanoscale while the engineering motivation is to assess and predict the structural reliability of devices and systems fabricated with emerging technologies. An underlying challenge is to develop experimental techniques that permit to accurately measure these properties. Pierron's research is currently sponsored by the National Science Foundation.
Office Location:
Love 228
micro and nanomechanics; Micro and Nano Engineering; Thin Films; fracture and fatigue; Flexible Electronics
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