Fan Zhang
Assistant Professor; School of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Fan Zhang received her Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering and M.S. in Statistics from UTK in 2019. She is the recipient of the 2021 Ted Quinn Early Career Award from the American Nuclear Society and joined the Woodruff School in July, 2021. She is actively involved with multiple international collaborations on improving nuclear cybersecurity through the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the DOE Office of International Nuclear Security (INS). Dr. Zhang’s research primarily focuses on the cybersecurity of nuclear facilities, online monitoring & fault detection using data analytics methods, instrumentation & control, and nuclear systems modeling & simulation. She has developed multiple testbeds using both simulators and physical components to investigate different aspects of cybersecurity as well as process health management.
Office Location:
Boggs 371
Research interests include instrumentation & control, autonomous control, cybersecurity, online monitoring, fault detection, prognostics, risk assessment, nuclear system simulation, data-driven models, and artificial intelligence applications.
IRI Connections: